


2、你看上去好像有点不舒服。You look like a bit uncomfortable..这可真糟糕。你最好休息一会。你吃过什么药么?. This can be really bad. Youd better take a rest. What medicine do you eat it?.看,这是风油精。你可以现在太阳穴上擦一点。

3、More than 200 thousand (people) were injured.The injured (people) were as many as over 20 thousand.其中的over和more than可以互换。 首都几乎被毁。

4、有时。。和。。常常 相互矛盾,我翻译为“常常”Dont lie to me. I am not your special someone, but only an ordinary friend.I am now very depressed and feel lost. I often think of (miss) you. think of 和miss 有些不同,miss是思念,think of 就是你说的想起。